As we celebrate freedom today, we also celebrate the fact that education freedom is coming to more and more families.
Recently, the Supreme Court resoundingly confirmed parents’ rights to school choice in the Carson case, ruling that states cannot prevent religious schools from participating in school choice programs.
School choice is constitutional. And elected officials in every state should act to give parents as much school choice as possible.
Lawmakers in Arizona wasted no time in doing just that. Just a few days after the Supreme Court’s ruling, the Arizona Legislature passed a bill expanding school choice to every student in Arizona. Soon, all students in the state will have the freedom to attend a school that works for them.
You and I know how much this will mean to countless Catholic families and schools across the state.
Your state, too, can become a champion for choice like Arizona – if lawmakers show courage.
But there’s one missing piece: You
The status quo is well-funded and will not give up. But neither will we – supporters of Catholic schools standing strong all across the country. We overcome when we join together. I know because I have seen it happen, again and again, just like it happened in Arizona. Stay tuned for ways you can help your state become the next victory for parents.
Happy Independence Day.