Catholic education recognizes the fundamental human dignity of each person. It provides options for children who may otherwise have no way out of generational poverty or dysfunction.

Across America, parochial schools are facing unprecedented challenges, struggling to stay open while providing desperately needed services. School choice programs can help them weather these storms.

I wanted to share a recent speech from Dr. Richard Brake, headmaster of St. Michael High School in Petoskey, MI. He spoke on the problems facing America and how Catholic schools can be a part of the solution: 

Jesus accomplished his mission primarily by teaching, through great stories, and in the homes and synagogues of the domestic Church.

That’s the solution, folks. And that’s what we do every day at St. Michael High School.

I’m convinced that Catholic Education is the only vehicle capable of turning this situation around – and especially to fix the biggest problem facing the Catholic Church: the hemorrhaging of Church attendance, and our dire priest and religious shortage. If we don’t do something soon, folks, there’s not going to be anybody left in these pews, and at the altar celebrating Mass.

In the 19th Century, Catholic schools were founded because of vicious Anti-Catholicism; today, they need to be re-founded to provide any kid, Catholic or otherwise, a quality education that respects the traditional morals and values of everyday citizens.

So the bottom line up front is that Catholic schools like St. Michael High School need more students, more revenue, and better facilities to perform their stellar classical curricula and faith formation…

There are little miracles happening every day at our school, and the only tragedy is that there aren’t more kids taking advantage of this tremendous product.

You and I know how many little miracles happen every day at parochial schools, small and large, across our country. 

These past few years more than ever, we have seen how high the stakes are if we do not pass programs that allow parents to keep choosing these schools.

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