In scary and uncertain times, I am reminded of how often the Church and its schools have stood as a bulwark for people who desperately need hope.
Over the last few years, we’ve seen this play out more than ever. Parochial schools were hit with unprecedented challenges but managed to keep providing safe places for children to learn.
Despite record enrollment losses and financial struggles caused by the pandemic, Catholic schools remained open and provided instruction when others did not.
Now, enrollment is rebounding, especially in states that provide school choice for parents. Wall Street Journal reports:
Every grade from pre-K through sixth gained students compared to the previous school year. The number of Catholic school closures and consolidations also fell to 71 last year, down from about 100 in prior years
This is great news. But we must do more to ensure that schools – and the communities they serve – are able to keep growing and weather whatever storms may come.
School choice is the way.
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These last few years have shown us the stakes involved and how much of a difference access to education makes in children’s lives.
Tragically, we know that learning loss and trauma of the last few years will not be easy for students to overcome. But we know that parochial schools will be a critical part of this important work, just as they have stood in the gap to this point.
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Thank you for standing with students.
PS: Read on to hear how school choice and Catholic education changed one student’s life: |

I am currently getting the best education in my city, thanks to the scholarships and sponsorships I have received so far in my school career. These resources that I’ve received greatly changed my life for the better. Honestly, if it weren’t for the support of others I know I would not be where I am at today.
Unfortunately, drugs and violence are commonplace in my neighborhood. Statistics suggest that I would most likely be forever lost in the streets of where I live, not preparing for graduation. I live in a place where most families cannot afford to get the best education and are forced to send their children to public schools.
It was hard for my parents to get the money needed for my education; They immigrated to the United States and still weren’t quite used to English and American customs. Despite the challenges and with the help of these scholarships, I have been able to attend Bishop McCort Catholic High School.
My parents and I chose this private school for so many reasons. The staff focuses greatly on each individual students’ education. They are always challenging every single student to be the best they can be. From the principal’s inspiring speeches to the constant care and dedication that the staff shows, Bishop McCort never fails to motivate me and my classmates. The educational and moral aspects of Bishop McCort are simply incomparable to the nearby public schools.
This school has made a tremendous difference in my life. Thanks to this Bishop McCort I have the opportunity to go to college and achieve my life dreams. This school has taught me the importance of education, caring for others, and forming strong relationships with my peers and mentors.
Read Ennio’s full story: