Celebrating Independence

As we celebrate freedom today, we also celebrate the fact that education freedom is coming to more and more families.

Recently, the Supreme Court resoundingly confirmed parents’ rights to school choice in the Carson caseruling that states cannot prevent religious schools from participating in school choice programs.

School choice is constitutional. And elected officials in every state should act to give parents as much school choice as possible.

Lawmakers in Arizona wasted no time in doing just that. Just a few days after the Supreme Court’s ruling, the Arizona Legislature passed a bill expanding school choice to every student in Arizona. Soon, all students in the state will have the freedom to attend a school that works for them. 

You and I know how much this will mean to countless Catholic families and schools across the state.

Your state, too, can become a champion for choice like Arizona – if lawmakers show courage.

But there’s one missing piece: You

The status quo is well-funded and will not give up. But neither will we – supporters of Catholic schools standing strong all across the country. We overcome when we join together. I know because I have seen it happen, again and again, just like it happened in Arizona. Stay tuned for ways you can help your state become the next victory for parents.

Happy Independence Day.

The Supreme Court Rules for Families

Today, we are celebrating a major victory for families, children, and religious freedom. The U.S. Supreme Court issued its decision in Carson v. Makin this morning, ruling that a Maine tuition assistance program which excluded religious schools is unconstitutional. You can read the majority opinion here

We know that religious schools, including the nation’s many Catholic schools, provide a quality education with a foundation rooted in the faith. We are thrilled that this decision reaffirms parents’ right to choose the best education for their children, free from religious discrimination.   

We will continue to work to ensure that parents in every state have that option.

Thank you for standing with us.

What Catholic School Meant for this Dad

This Father’s Day, we celebrate dads across the country and the difference they make in their children’s lives. 

Today, I wanted to share a story from one father who knew his son’s assigned public school was failing him. He turned to Catholic school and school choice for solutions.

We’re working toward a world in which every parent has that option.

This Father’s Day, we celebrate all the parents who work hard for what their children need.

Click here to read Joshua’s story.

“A Game-Changer For Us”

A recent news report highlights how Catholic Schools in Orange County, California, stepped up and met critical needs during the pandemic.

And the community noticed.
For the first time in decades, Catholic school enrollment is up, both in Southern California and across the country. [E]nrollment dropped to 1.6 million before the pandemic, resulting in empty desks and school closures. “There was real concern for the sustainability of Catholic schools, not only here but nationwide,” said Erin Barisano, superintendent of schools for the Diocese of Orange.

When schools transitioned to remote learning during the pandemic, Catholic schools in Orange County were some of the first and only to be back in the classroom. “That was a game changer for us, when public school counterparts couldn’t open for in-person, the Catholic schools in Diocese of Orange, we opened Sept. 8, 2020, fully in person,” Barisano said.

As traditional public schools stayed inaccessible and left countless children with devastating learning loss and social damage, Catholic schools showed a better way. They showed that it was possible to keep students safe and learning, even in the most challenging times.

School choice helps ensure Catholic schools can keep operating and meeting needs for years to come. It gives parents choices when they need them most.

So that as many children as possible can attend, most schools offer steep tuition discounts. They regularly operate at a financial loss. But many parents still cannot afford the cost of tuition. That’s why school choice is needed so urgently.


Thank you for supporting this critical mission.

Did you know this about Catholic schools?

Catholic schools and families’ educational choices are woven into the fabric of our country. When families choose schools that work for them, their children achieve amazing things.

Did you know:

  • 99% of Catholic high students will graduate, and 88% will attend four-year colleges or universities.
  • Studies have shown Catholic schools can help break the cycle of poverty and improve lifetime achievement.
  • Numerous national leaders have attended Catholic schools for at least some of their education, including five sitting Supreme Court justices and President Joe Biden.

Click here to share how Catholic education has impacted your life.

It’s exciting to see the difference that a good school can make in a child’s life – or even a whole community.

But there is another set of facts about Catholic schools that remind us why we must fight.


  • At the end of the last school year, 71 Catholic schools had closed or consolidated. On average, about 100 Catholic schools close or consolidate each year.
  • Most schools operate on a financial loss, relying on support from the diocese and donors to keep operating. When the economy struggles, so do schools – and families.
  • Only 7% of Catholic school students are enrolled through a school choice program, and many states do not offer enough options for the families who need them.

Catholic schools are a critical part of many communities, but they are perpetually at risk. During the pandemic especially, we have been reminded of just how much is at stake.

School choice is the missing piece.

Thank you for standing with students and families.